feature: ashton jay

I was around 12 when I discovered my father’s meager collection of four porn magazines in the back of his second-to-bottom desk drawer. Though it wasn’t the first time I’d seen photos of naked adults, it was the first time I’d been alone with those photos, and consequently, the first time I realized I could leverage erotic photography to engage the attention of other boys.

Much later in an overheard argument, my mother would admonish my dad for the magazines, but as a chubby, awkward, drama fag at the onset of puberty, they proved to be the only collateral I had to get other boys to spend time with me.

There were only two boys i could ever convince to come over to look at my dad’s magazines. And one of them was Asthon Jay, who photographed everything you see here.

Thank you Ashton, for this full-circle moment. Thank you for bringing your straight friend over so I could watch him get hard, and thank you for helping me continue to celebrate our sexuality.

(dandyland.art) your work in five words or less?
(Ashton Jay) Sensual, striking, thoughtful, intimate, chic. 

turn ons?
Creativity. A favorite quote of mine is from Einstein: "Creativity is intelligence having fun." Also kindness. Not just a Miss America answer. There is something innately attractive to me about generosity of spirit. 

turn offs?
Selfishness and apathy. 

favorite subject in your art?

ideal place to display your work?
It would be exciting to see my photographs hanging on the walls of a queer art gallery, but I think it's even more satisfying to see them displayed in people’s homes. There’s an obvious esteem to gallery shows, but a collector being moved enough by something I created, to the point where they want to own it and look at it over and over again, is exponentially more rewarding for me. I am definitely looking forward to gracing the walls of more homes in the future.

favorite non-art pastime? 
It’s still an art form, but not visual: making music. Specifically, harmonic music. When two different notes play together in perfect pitch—especially human voices—they ring. It's like magic.  

most memorable project?
Thus far, I think it has to be my fine art coffee table book, "Portraits Of The Penis". The experience of building the collection of images for it was creatively satisfying and erotically thrilling.

art crush?
Bob Mizer & Bruce Weber

personal crayon color?
Fiery Indigo

what is unique about your process?
I perfect things like the lighting, background, and camera before the shoot starts, but because sensuality thrives in a less forced environment, I prefer to let the models move organically as I navigate around them. Then I take an unusually large number of photos. A lot of my creative process actually ends up happening during the selection process, after the shoot.

why make art?
It's thrilling to try something new creatively—to get experimental, and then love the outcome. Mistakes become successes and experiments become new techniques. It’s also beautiful to watch a model discovering their own attractiveness and sensuality.

what's next?
I'm currently working on the sequel to my first book, "Portraits Of The Penis". This next edition will continue to showcase the male member, this time with a more in-depth exploration of each model, and their relationship to their dick.

About “Portraits of the Penis”:

Like a fingerprint, each man’s penis is uniquely its own; whether it’s cut or uncut, a grower or a shower, the exciting possibilities seem to keep our interests peaked. My most recent work, a coffee table book entitled, “Portraits Of The Penis”, addresses these curiosities. It’s a highly erotic collection of images of the phallus, artfully captured and playfully intermixed with some cheeky text. One review states: "It is always voyeuristic, intimate, and even insightful. It is never pornographic. It's an enormous achievement to do that when you've limited your focus to the penis.

The original edition of “Portraits of the Penis” and select photo prints are available now in Ashton’s shop.


rgb: let them eat cake.


gods book launch